why this week is both good and bad (but mostly busy)
+ only two days of class!!
- the more things there are to do in two days
+ finished with problem sets and think they are all correct!
- midterm for war, peace, world order next week...and these correct problem sets were a group and loooonnng effort
+ not showing for collage tomorrow
- wanted to show
+ have some interesting ideas and FINALLY some direction
+/- no internship on friday means more sleep AND I CAN DO SOMETHING ON THURSDAY NIGHT but I miss my kids!
+ everyone being here for shabbat finally
+ the weather has been sucking and it will rain again tomorrow...so no biking.
- sooo many things to do this weekend (building collages, studying for midterm, etc.)
- STILL have this cold
+ but it feels like finally it might be getting better
- College Republicans are holding a "find the illegal immigrant" game...disgusting.
+ lots of protesters to wreak havoc at it :).
butttt after tomorrow at 6, I am done with classes and just have lots and lots and lots of work to look foward too....I'll probably hang out with people on Thursday night and just do work on Saturday night :( or maybe the other way around...
this is a photograph of my feet at a party we went to on Saturday (there is slush on the ground..so the rule was shoes off and my friend Ben and I found some flip-flops lying around..)

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