this is for you mom

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


a boy gave me slippers for Hannukah today.
it freaked me out because I got slippers for Hannukah last year from harrison.
these are nicer ones though. pretty and super soft and actually little slippers.

presenting my photo projects tomorrow, then studying for sex,gender,the bible...writing socialist theory journal entries....heading home on thursday.

what an anti-climactic ending to the semester.

Monday, December 18, 2006

erica finds a phone

so last thursday night I was riding home from venting/food/homework at palladium and I'm going past St. Marks on 3rd avenue and out of the corner of my eye I saw a blackberry lying on the ground. I stopped, backtracked, and picked it up. I brought it home but it was password protected so I couldn't call a number like "home" or something good like that but it showed the persons name in the top corner. I googled them and "new york" and the home number actually came up. i called the next day, got voicemail, and started to leave a message. his wife picked up the phone, I gave her my number, he called me, and we arranged to meet in front of barnes and nobles in union square (don't worry mom, super public place).

he was a very nice british businessman (of course...he had a blackberry) who was very grateful to have his phone back. he offered me $40 dollars in thanks which I refused and then he offered again and then I refused and then he played the student card and told me he would have to buy a new one anyways and that I should really take it since I had done all I could to find him. So I took it and gave one of the $20's to the homeless woman on the street and spent the other $20 on groceries and some paper for my books. I felt bad taking any of his money...but I felt bad continually refusing as well.

In other news, I went out for coffee with a nice guy last week. I had a nice potluck photo dinner tonight down at water street, got hummus from the boys for hannukah, missed all of you tons, decided I should grow more of a backbone, realized that I will actually miss nyc when i'll be gone for break, and John Courtney got into BC!! (yay!).

what a great fortune cookie

"comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

so mom reminded me that i never told her what I wanted for hannukah...

* i would really like can get it at
* a new pair of jeans or cool flat boots (good for biking around lower manhattan!!)
* someone to buy me a brick of Kodak NC film to bring to chile
* gift certificates to trader joes or adorama camera or the itunes store
* nothing because i don't need anything too badly.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

today was a really good day. :) i hope that doesn't mean that tomorrow will be bad!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

because dee wants me to and because mom keeps asking me for photos

from right to left - my friend Jacob and me and my friend dee.
they live in one of the union square dorms and give me awesome kosher food and fantastic conversation and a very comfortable air mattress when I don't want to make it all the way back to chinatown. they are rocking.

Dee is also featured in my photo project:

a page from my book featuring dad and caleb!!

this is what I look like at art school parties:

I actually touched meat to make the food for chabad two weeks ago. GROSS.

I went to a fun party last night where I think I met every Jewish Syrian in the tri-county area..So I've got tons of stuff to be paper writing and project planning (I have some cool stuff in the works). I was really sad to miss the family hannukah party :(. i still have to tell mom what to get me (figuring it out :) ).
misssss you guys!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I've been so busy that I haven't written in a while....sorry!!

This week was ridiculous...I didn't get to sleep before 2 am and I didn't get home until 1 am any night. I don't think I've seen my roommate in 4 days because both of us are gone so much.

Thanksgiving was much hummus!!!
I'm just trying to get everything done at this point...all of my photo stuff, a sex gender and the bible paper to rewrite, 30 pages of talking about socialism to get in order, a 15-page paper on human rights and fun stuff.
The s,g,b paper is due the 12th...socialism is due on the 19th, my s,g,b final exam is on the 21st, my human rights paper is due the 15th, and my photo stuff is due the 19th. ewwwwww. So I guess that I should go and be productive today....

I forgot to mention...I got a new bike :) and a new lock to go with it :).