This is usually just for me to write about my day and all the fun stuff that I do here in New York, but I think that it is time for something serious. I've been thinking about the future a lot lately...about what I want to do with my future.
A lot of things.
First off, I want to study abroad fall semester next year. I either want to go to South America or Africa - both of those will have to be non-NYU programs since NYU doesn't offer stuff there.
Secondly, I need to figure out just how badly I want to double major in Political Science because if I do then I don't have time to take anything else aside from those classes and my photo stuff. I'm thinking of minoring in PoliSci and taking some writing classes, history classes, and art history - probably ending up with a minor in art history.
Of course, the problem with this is that what I really want to do is work with kids and photography....which only one of those degrees really helps me with. Another cause for concern is that if I ever consider grad school for polisci, I won't be a good candidate with only a minor in the subject and I do want to work on campaigns, etc etc.
Tutoring these kids at Washington Irving HS is really helping me figure out that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. There are a lot of programs that teach kids photography...but how many teach them to be photography teachers? I think you empower someone so much more by showing them how to show someone else how to do something. I'd like to start a program in a NYC public school about creating peer teachers and so I'm applying for a Reynolds Fellowship on it. I'm sure that I won't get it (I'm not nearly organized enough), but it will force me to gather everything together.
At the same time though, I look at Blaine and Ben's photos and I still feel that good old love for photojournalism.
Yet next semester I am taking collage projects :).
I have so much that I want to do and so little time to do it all.
Tonight I am just working on this paper for Sex, Gender, and the Bible and meeting up with Katelyn to do some planning later. Stefan (my friend who is taking a semester off) is coming in tonight around 3 so we are going to go up 5 blocks to the Broome Street dorm to see him right when he gets in.
Tomorrow I think that Katelyn and I are going to PS1 and I would really like to do some scanning/printing for the FEAST show. I have to buy new paper for printing...I got some film today :).
Tomorrow night is Colin's birthday party and Saturday I'm sure I'll hang out with Stefan whchi will be really fun.
this is me with the stuffed dog at the shake shack:

what does everyone think of this?
i think it sounds pretty interesting after a quick read.