Boston was great.
I basically hung out with Laura for two days straight and it was wonderful. It was the most sober weekend I've had in forever (absolutely no alcohol was imbibed) and so laid back. Maybe this is just my friends, but at NYU it seems like on the weekend we all go out like crazy - and don't get me wrong...i love going out to crazy bars and big weird parties, but it was definetly nice to just chill in peoples rooms for a weekend. I would get sick of it after a while, but for a weekend it was great to be at normal and laid back chilling college. groups of friends sitting and drinking and talking instead of running around manhattan and wondering if the L was running this weeikend. of course it was harvard, so there were people studying at 11 pm on friday night, but what can you do.
The Fung-Wah chinatown bus there took SEVEN HOURS. ridiculous ridiculous traffic. the man sitting behind me looked like Fidel Castro and YELLED on his cell phone the entire ride about the sale of his mini cooper on craigs list and the evils of the world and buses. Well, he yelled for the entire ride that he was there for becuase we appeared to leave him at the rest stop in hartford. don't worry...he was already in boston when we got there and yelled at everyone on the bus for not making sure that he got on. This is a picture that I took of him with my cell phone:

Poor Laura waited in the Boston bus terminal for two hours for me...luckily she had a lot of reading to do that she got done. So I ended up getting onto the Harvard campus around 11 at night whereupon we seek out my good old friend Dan Carroll and hang out in his room with him, his awesome girlfriend, and their friends. They got drunk and ended up falling asleep while Laura and I just chilled. We also got to hang out with the amazing ryan walsh who is one of those guys that you look at now and wish you had dated in high school.
Alex Bassett was supposed to come down on saturday...but unfortunately she could not :(.
Saturday began with the head of the charles regatta!! I saw elsa (my roommate whose father was rowing in an MIT-alumni 8) and some boats. Then I went to watch Laura's acapella group in concert and then met up with alex - a guy from PC who just graduated from BU and who I did crew with in high school. It was great to see him and really weird to hear the names of people that I hadn't thought about in years. We went to urban where I found nothing I liked that was worth the money, but Laura found a great hat! Back at the head of the charles we ran into brian mcqueen and proceeded to walk around with him...random. we then found EVERYONE who we had gone to high school and who had kept on doing crew with. Everyone except Josh FH who was apparently coxing a Danish National Team boat. We did friend him on facebook after that though!
We walked about 12 miles around the charles and surrounding areas which resulted in me wearing a hole in my shoe and cutting my foot. don't worry mom, i cleaned it out and changed my shoes and everything.
Saturday night we went for what was probably the best dinner I have had since Rosh Hashanna - it was ammaaaaaazing Indian food. Following that we got coffee and 3 hours of conversation with the amazing ryan walsh. we walked around for a bit, hung out with dan some more and just chilled.
Sunday I went to the Harvard Coup to get some books for class, got breakfast, hung out, and got on the bus (with some major help from laura since i didnt realize i didnt have cash and she threw at 10 dollar bill at me so that I could buy a ticket). The trip took exactly 4 hours and I got back and threw my stuff down and decided that I really needed new groceries. I hit up Trader Joes and Food Emporium and now won't need groceries for the next month which is GREAT since its such a pain to go up to 14th. I go all the way up there because trader joes is amazing and so so so cheap. I basically get about 29034873 things there and it always costs 20 dollars. I get 5 things at food emporium and its 25 dollars. I also realized right before this that I had forgotten a ton of books that I needed for class and went to Barnes and Nobles in Union Square to get them. Some guy in barnes and nobles was cracked out on something and screaming about how it ought to be a library.
So now I have groceries. And lots and lots and lots and lots of work. Ughhh. But at least I have nice, healthy vegetables. I don't understand how some people can eat mac and cheese every day. Once in a while it is awesome...but I need my stirfriend veggies and brown rice to feel like a non-gross human being. Alright, I should get to unpacking, writing in my sadly-neglected socialist journal, reading for social history of photo and sex gender and the bible, and figuring out my photo stuff. love and miss you all!!
I forgot to mention that last sunday my awesome friend greg came in and we went to some crazy bars and did some awesome adventuring in nyc. its worth noting how nice it was to have someone around who has known me for so long and in such a different context than everyone here. thats another reason it was so awesome to be around laura and dan and ryan this weekend.